
Case Study: Enabling Virtual Test & Validation – Practical example for GaiaX Trust Ankers creating Digital Identities for Decentralized Open Data Markets in ENVITED

The goal of a virtually enhanced homologation process through the usage of driving simulators relies on the quality of the data used as input for the simulation. If HD Maps, driver models, scenarios, or sensor models, the integration of such elements in various systems throughout deep supply chains demand a common understanding brought by standardsRead more

Case Study: Safety Challenges for Autonomous Driving

The presentation will discuss the current trends and challenges surrounding Automated Systems and Safety for ADAS/AD, highlighting the importance of implementing safe and secure practices.Read more

Case Study: Autonomous cars could be as safe as human drivers this year or next – How safe are they today?

With the rapid advancements in autonomous driving technology, the safety of autonomous vehicles has become a crucial concern. This presentation aims to explore the current state of autonomous vehicle safety and evaluate its progress towards achieving comparable safety levels to cars operated by human drivers. The presentation relies on a long-term study and analysis ofRead more

Summary of Day 1 by the Event Chair & we.CONECT Global Leaders

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